Become an Apprentice!

The Apprentice Program (TAP) is a free program for creative high school students in the DMV who have a passion for visual arts. With a public art portfolio that dates as far back as 2003, Apprentices are either paid an educational stipend or can earn Student Service Learning hours (SSL). As an apprentice, you will train in art, job, and life skills while meeting and collaborating with creative peers. Many apprentices return each year to participate in the summer and/or school year programs to advance in their training. After graduating high school, apprentices are eligible in the fall to apply for our Studio Crew team, where they can further their career development while completing AOB public art commissions for high profile clients. 

Sign up to join this fun, creative team!

Who can apply:
  • Anyone currently in high school
  • Has a passion for creating visual art
  • Wants to share creative work and enjoys working in teams
  • Can commit to our program schedule

For those new to TAP, we begin recruiting for our Summer TAP session during the Spring (between April-May). Our Winter TAP session is for returning apprentices, and for that session, we begin recruiting during the Fall (between October-November). 

Start Dates for Fall 2024: TBD


TAP will meet in person at our studio at 900 Wayne Ave, Suite 1A in Silver Spring, MD and online!

What will you do:
  • Make new friends!
  • Earn a stipend or SSL hours
  • Strengthen your visual art skills (practice art basics like Elements of Art, Color Theory, and Composition)
  • Learn a new visual art discipline—mosaic tiling (or strengthen what you know)
  • Learn basic skills in digital drawing in ProCreate (using an iPad Mini and Apple Pencil that will be provided)
  • Create a resume, practice interviewing and presentation skills
  • Learn about a variety of creative careers from visiting professionals
  • Gain valuable experience working as a team and collaborating on projects
How to Apply:
  • First you’ll fill out the online application, remembering to attach your art work samples when the application requests Other Attachments, in JPEG, PDF, and PNG format.” Our next TAP session will begin in Fall 2024. Check back for updates on recruitment and application availability.
  • Next, you’ll receive an email from Arts on the Block letting you know if you will advance to the next stage. Remember to check your email!
  • The email will explain how to set up a virtual interview with the AOB Teaching Artist team – this is a low-stress way for us to get to know you, and for you to learn more about The Apprentice Program.
  • During the interview, you will share some examples of your artwork and we’ll ask you some basic questions about your art interests and experience.
  • After your interview, we’ll contact you within two weeks to let you know if you’ve been accepted to the program.
Apprentices working on Wheaton Tower commission
Still Life by Renee
Digital painting by Mars B.